21 July 2004

More on that wall

Today I heard of the UN General Assembly vote on the Israeli wall.  Apparently, it was US, Australia, and a few island states (whose poverty-sticken votes, I guess, were somehow influenced) who sided with Israel.  Just Australia standing with the US against the world.  That's today's Australia for you.  Some would look with pride.  I don't.

And that was followed by our Foreign Minister concerned with the vociferous complaints of East Timor, which should be so happy with Australia's recent military actions (that, at least, was a fine hour for Australia, even if it was rather late).  They should negotiate in confidence, he argued.  (I thought, "like good businessmen, commercial-in-confidence, the new Australian form of political accountability").  This was in light of Australia's refusal to accept a role for the International Court of Justice, or an independent third party (New Zealand was suggested), to assist the two countries to reach a resolution.  Rich country, poor country.  This is not even negotiation for a fair contract, it seems to me.

There's more every day, if you just open your ears ...