03 July 2004

An apt quote

This is not one I had read or heard before, but it's particularly apt for the AginSpin blog. It's quoted in a review of a book on war correspondents (Denise Leith. Bearing witness: the lives of war correspondents and photojournalists. Random House, 2004) which further quotes Susan Sontag from "Regarding the pain of others". "[A]fter a certain age [no one] has the right to this kind of innocence, of superficiality, to this degree of ignorance, or amnesia". And yet, I contend that our politics, and especially this current Australian government, are trying to do exactly that. "Relaxed and comfortable" has a meaning, and this is it. As the National Museum falls into the cricket, ANZAC and explorers view of Australia, we see our cultural blindfold settling. What of the future? Or in the shorter term, what of this coming election?